Griet Dobbels is a visual artist. She began her professional career in 1996 after graduating from The Royal College of Art in London. 

Key concepts in her work are: the dialectic between grandeur and insignificance, transience and timelessness, nature and culture, beauty and horror, safety and danger, chaos and control, universality and individuality. Formally, these subjects translate into various media: drawings, video installations, sculptures and happenings. Dobbels explores boundaries, both in terms of content and form, and strives for an objective position. 

The line is a constant in her work, be it the contour line, the coast line, the front line or a border. This line is exposed, excavated, walked, drawn or cut-and-pasted.

Griet Dobbels has exhibited nationally and internationally and has undertaken a number of significant residences, including at the Al Ma’mal Foundation, Old city Jerusalem and Birzeit University (2022-2023), the Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto in 2017-18. Her work can be seen in the contexts of museums, arts centres, arts festivals, public spaces or as part of diverse private initiatives. Since 2014, Els Vermeersch (Art historian and curator) is her Compagnon d’art.

In spring 2023 she was able to finalize the residency at Al Ma’mal Foundation (Old City Jerusalem) and Bethlehem (PS) for the implementation of the art video The Cow and the Goat (in collaboration with poet Lotte Dodion) that has been on view at Watou Art Festival 2023, Emergent Gallery Veurne and KVS Brussels.

She is currently conducting research for the ongoing project Trillingen / Vibrations in collaboration with artist Cesar Janssens (Jr.c.E.sA.r, KVS Brussels). As part of this research the performance Vissers van de Horizon(Fishers of the Horizon), has been shown at the theatre festival TAZ#2023, Ostend (B). The installation Clay Front is on view as part of the group show ‘Remain / Remember’ at Westfront, Newport (B). More upcoming shows see underneath.                                                                               

Text Els Vermeersch, Compagnon d’Art  



1994-1996: Master Degree in Arts: Royal College of Art, London, UK; AIR Kyoto City University of Arts, Japan

1991-1994: Master in visual arts: Luca school of arts Ghent, B


Most recent Artist residences:

2023: TAZ , Theater Festival Ostend Vissers van de Horizon (Fishers of the Horizon)

2023: Al Ma’Mal Foundation , Old City Jerusalem

2022: Al Ma’Mal Foundation , Old City Jerusalem – Patchwork Watou Art Festival 2022-2023

2021: Birzeit University, Birzeit, Ramallah (online)

2017: June/July and September: Cittadellarte -Fondazione Pistoletto and UNIDEE, Biella, IT

2015: January: ‘Met zicht op zee’, Braye-Dunes, FR i.c.w Emergent, B


Artist’s books

2022        Under the Tower / Onder de Kerktoren , with Topo Copy (Ghent) and Sophia Attigui (Cassablanca)

2018        The Map is not the Territory (Montedellarte),Publishing Viaindustriae, Foligno, IT

2015        Straight line attempt icw Posture Editions nr 16

2013        Mind the gap icw Dolores Bouckaert, edition for Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens in 2013, B 


Most recent Grants

2022        Research grant (Flemish government) for Trillingen (Vibrations) in collaboration with Cesar Janssens(Jr.c.E.sA.r, KVS) 

2021        project Grant (Flemish government) for Under the Tower / Onder de Kerktoren

2019        Research grant (Flemish government) for Straight Line Attempt (Middle East)

2017        project Grant (Flemish government) for The Map is not the Territory (Montedellarte)




- REMAIN / REMEMBER, group show, Westfront, Nieuwpoort (B), curator Mieke Dobbels with Sammy Baloji, Maurice Carlier, Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, David Claerbout, Penelope Deltour, Anno Dijkstra, Martine Laquiere en Meggy Rustamova 

- FUGA’S EN PIMPELMEZEN (FUGUES AND BLUE TITS) Group show at Museumhuis Lucien De Gheus, Poperinge (B) - Griet Dobbels i.c.w. Jolien Holvoet; from 08.06 to 29.09.2024 - curator Els Vermeersch with Caroline Andrin, Anne Ausloos, Patrick Bergsma, Guillaume Bijl, Nel Bonte, Ignace Cami, Caroline Coolen, Johan Creten, Trees De Mits, Gery De Smet, Franky Derycke, Martine Feipel & Jean Bechameil, Nick Ervinck, Marja Kennis, Anne Marie Laureys, Kellie Lippens, Yves Malfliet, Marieke Pauwels, Tinka Pittoors, Laure Prouvost, R&F F&R, Joke Raes, Clara Spilliaert, Johan Tahon, Sharon Van Overmeiren, Tamara Van San, Joana Vasconcelos, Robin Vermeersch, Bram Verstraeten, Anne Wenzel en Cindy Wright

ON A ZERO EN HISTOIRE; solo show at Gallery Sofie Van den Bussche, Brussels -  21.04 - 18.05.2024; Vernissage on Saturday 18.05.2024 - 3 to 6 pm :  welcome!

- ART ON PAPER AMSTERDAM with Gallery Sofie Van den Bussche, Brussels 

- ARCHITECTURE MEETS ART, Group show in two remarkable houses near Brussels of the Brants-Voets family : Dworp: architects Claire Bataille & Paul Ibens and Halle: 19the C industrial Renaux site: Friday 07.06.24 (opening at 7 pm) and Saturday 08.06.24 – Saturday 15.06.24 and Sunday 16.06.24, with Hélène Petite, Jacky Tavernier, Jo Voets en Olaf Winkler

DE KOE EN DE GEIT (The Cow and the Goat), screening art video  at KVS Royal Flemish Theater, Brussels

- A PRO POT III, group show, MUDEL, Deinze (B) curator Trees Demits

- THE ANALYSIS OF AN APPEARANCE (THE LANDSCAPE), De analyse van ene verschijning (Het landschap) Emergent gallery, curator Frank Maes



25.06 > 10.09: Groupshow 10 YEARS EMERGENT, Veurne, B

01.07 > 03.09 : Watou Art Festival 2023 with art video : The Cow and the Goat 

4 August at 18:00 > 19:30 performance VISSERS VAN DE HORIZON, with Cesar Janssens at TAZ, Theater Festival Oostende, B 

09.07 > 19.08: groupshow SUMMER VIBES, Gallery Sofie Van den Bussche, Brussels, B

02.09 > 07.10: Duo show with Evelien Gysen at Shoobil Gallery, Antwerp

27.10 > 21.01.2024 : groupshow A PRO POT III, MUDEL, Museum Deinze, B, curator Trees De Mits

29.10 > 07.01.2024 : HET ANALYTISCHE LANDSCHAP : groupshow Emergent, Veune, B, curator Frank Maes

The artist's book Under the Tower/ Onder de Kerktoren selected for the exhibition DESIGN-A-BOOK at Wittockiana, Brussel

Art on Paper, Amsterdam with Gallery Sofie Van Den Bussche, Brussels



Launch artist’s book Under the Tower / Onder de Kerktoren: WARP Sint-Niklaas, 20 August, B

Launch artist’s book Under the Tower / Onder de Kerktoren: Dar Jacir Bethlehem, 1 October, PS

Nov 2022/Jan 2023, Group exhibition Emergent nodigt uit, Emergent, Veurne, B

Patchwork, AIR at Watou Art Festival, B

TEN Times TWO, group show, Gallery Sofie Van den Bussche, Brussels, 12/06> 10/07/2022

TRAAG (Slow), artistic intervention in the landscape on GR route Flemish Ardennes, part of GVR, launch Sunday 18/06/2022

Groupshow 15 years Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke, Opening 12/06/2022

Groupshow 8 ZomerExpo's, 3J; Jean-Jacques De Gucht & Johan Van Tittelboom , Knokke-Heist, more info soon

Ongoing Trillingen collaboration with Cesar Janssens(Jr.c.E.sA.r, KVS) 



 Group show: One way or Another , 10 years Posture Editions, S.M.A.K. Gent - 

Trillingen (working title) collaboration with Cesar Janssens(Jr.c.E.sA.r, KVS) launch video 17  online (until 01/07/2021) platform KVSi.c.w.KVS and De Warande Turnhout

Group show: One way or Another , 10 years Posture Editions, S.M.A.K. Gent

Group show: Een boom is meer dan er staat, expo, lezingen, poëzie, muziek, De Egelantier, Otegem

 تحت البرج / Onder de Kerktoren / Under the Tower :  ongoing,  artist’s book

Video 17, no.1 in a cycle of 17 Trillingen / Vibrations © Cesar Janssens & Griet Dobbels in colaboration with KVS, Brussels, de Warande (Turnhout), online until 01/07/2021

(07) تحت البرج / Onder de Kerktoren / Under the Tower :  ثَرثَرة / GlossolaliaALAA ABU ASAD & IGNACE CAMI : video on view untill 15/07/2021 here 

(05) تحت البرج / Onder de Kerktoren / Under the Tower : Khalil Sakakini CC, Ramallah 

April / June: online artist residency at Birzeit University supported by A.M. Qattan Foundation and through the VAFF project, funded by Sweden

Traag / Slow : artistic intervention in the landscape on GR route Flemish Ardennes, part of GVR Sint-Antelinks and Steenhuize

(04) Onder de kerktoren / Under the Church TowerArab Culture Association, Haifa with Alaa Abu Asad


(1) Onder de Kerktoren / Under the Church Tower , Emergent, Veurne: ESSA GRAYEB - GRIET DOBBELS

The Jerusalem Show, Al Ma'mal Foundation, Jerusalem (postponed due to Covid)

Contrei Live, i.c.w. Intercommunale Leiedal, selected for artistic intervention in the landscape (B)

Shortlisted for Entwined (VARC, visual arts in rural communities, Northumberland, UK)

Clay Front Homecoming


Research project Straight Line Attempt in the Middle East Region

November > December: Clay Front, Kruitmagazijn, Ypres

20 October > 10 November, Vrouwen²Women, Ypres (B) Benefit exhibition for Mothers for Peace

The Map is not the Territory (Montedellarte), artist’s book-video-installation at the Italian Cultural Institute Brussels i.c.w. Paolo Naldini (Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto) and Belgian launch artist's book Publishing Viaindustriae (IT).



October 2018: Selected for working visit : Amman, Ramallah, Jerusalem & Haifa i.c.w Flanders Art Institute.

The Map is not the Territory (Montedellarte), artist’s book-video-installation at Museo del Presente at Arte al Centro 2018, Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto, IT

Launch artist's book The Map is not the Territory (Montedellarte) Publishing Viaindustriae (IT), Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto (IT) 

Mirroirs 2 /Tous est paysage- Biënnale Parc d'Enghien, Brussels

Clay Front i.c.w In Flanders Fields Museum (B) and Imperial War Museum Canberra, Australia and Villers-Bretonneux museum (FR)

Time can tell video festival: 3 shortfilms: The map is not the territory ( Montedellarte),with Katrien Vermeire, Der kreislauf and Meggy Rustamova, L'invitation au voyage2017



Art happening Montedellarte, Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto (IT) i.c.w. C.A.I., Erasmus University College (B), supported by Flemish Community

Art happening in private house in the context of  Wander Meander Sarah&Charles  

AIR  Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto, IT

Hoger Lager, solo show, Emergent Galery, Veurne, B

Ik trap gewoon door, Social artistic project, Museum M Leuven, B


Group show, Arture #5, Ressegem, B

Edition for 2016, Emergent Galery, Veurne, B


Solo show: 30 Wind Socks revisited, CC Knokke Heist, B

Publication Straight line attempt icw Posture Editions nr 16

AIR Braye-Dunes, FR icw Emergent Galery, Veurne, B

Group show Take Position, Emergent Galery, Veurne, B

Group show Art traces at the Western Front, Flanders Fields, Langemark, B

Art Festival Watou, B


AIR Be-Part Centre for Contemporary Art, Waregem, B

Solo show What a lovely mountain!, Galery Bruthaus, Waregem, B

Group show in the landscape Tussentijd, Moortsele, B

Group show The Daylight Show, Landgoed Zonnestraal, Hilversum, NL

Edition voor publication, K University Leuven, B

Group show Grenzeloos, Harelbeke, B


Group show Badly Natured, Nest, Den Haag, NL

Publication en performance: Mind the gap icw Dolores Bouckaert, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle, B 

Group show Transformation, Transfo, Zwevegem, B


The map is not the territory, Art happening Ressegem icw ARPIA 2012

Group show Cutting Edge Women, Verbeke Foundation, Stekene, B

2010 - 2013

AIR art@school, art project icw Jan De Cock, ministery of education and University of Ghent


Group show MEER, Voorkamer, Lier, B

Group show Summer show, Verbeke Foundation, Stekene, B

Solo show: My gated communities, Galerie Marion Decannière, Antwerp, B

2009 - 2013

Mind the Gap: icw Dolores Bouckaert: Soloshow: Netwerk (Aalst) B; Performance Working Title Festival, Pianofabriek, Brussels, B; Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, NL; Galerie Marion Decannière, Antwerp, B; Soloshow Galery Jan Dhaese, Ghent, B


Group show: Artificial Nature, Verbeke Foundation, Stekene, B 


Brainbox, CroxhapoxGhent, B


Solo show:Picture This,  Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle, B


Art in public space: Kasterlinden, Brussels icw King Boudewijn Foundation  AIR Cultural Capital of Europe Brugge 2002, Zwem je rijk, AIR


Secret Gardens, Greenwich Festival, London, UK

Art in public space: 30 windsocks, sea front, Knokke-Heist, B 

Group show: I never promised you a rose garden, Beelden Buiten, Tielt, B

Solo show: B-space Galery, Kobe, Japan

Group show: Galery Flanders Exchange center, Osaka, Japan

Solo show: Galery Galery, Kyoto, Japan

Group show: Para-site, Brussels, B

Group show: Intersection, Galery Open Hand, Reading, UK

Group show: Intersection, Margret Harvey Gallery, London, UK